Calumet County Emergency Management is working to development multi-hazard mitigation plans for all communities within Calumet County. To view the most up to date information regarding the progress of these plans and to retrieve valuable information regarding what you can do to help protect your property click here.
If you wish to document any reocurring issues involving your property click here to print a form that you can complete and forward to the Village Office and one will also be fowarded to Calumet County Emergency Management Department. If you have digital pictures that you’d like to accompany your form, please email the pictures to and be descriptive as to which form (address) they belong to and describe what we are seeing in the pictures too. As much information as possible, is always best.
In May 2012, members of the Calumet County Emergency Management department, Village & Town Board representatives and members of the public joined together to view a power point presentation given by a representative from McMahon & Associates. Information specific to the Stockbridge area was presented and discussed. To view the powerpoint that was shared during that public meeting click here and here.